
Comfort & Joy

Would a year of confinement move us to the other side of normal? The answer a resounding yes!

This year in home decor and fashion is the equivalent of roots let go. No-fuss makeup (this I embrace), a few extra curves, loose-fitting pants – the new word for bigger pants is “loungewear,” and this I support 100 percent – it’s about time!

Could it be that we find ourselves in a post-war era? Finding out what matters most? History indicates post any traumatic event, be it war or pandemic, changes society’s mentality on life. This is not a bad thing. Change in the face of adversity is subtle in its approach … it’s fashioned after necessity, i.e., the roots and loungewear.

We now find great comfort in the real things in life. No longer is it as important to have or to get, to be seen, to be perfect, to do it all. Ahhhhh what sweet relief! A transcendence of sorts has found its way into our homes. Comfy couches are now desired instead of hard, stiff lines.

A subtle simplicity has settled over me; this may be because of my age (how did this happen?!) or from the freedom to relax and just be!

This season has shown combat styles in fashion … moody rooms made comfy with soothing colors, layers of comfort surrounding simple elegance. It’s ironic how the fashion world translates this last year in history.

So … bring it on! Here’s to no lipstick (gosh, I do miss it), loose clothes (maybe I’m hiding a small child in here), only having to wear mascara, and having personal space everywhere you go. But for most of us, the most precious of all are our families, and of course, our pets (I have a theory: Dogs have decided this “stay at home” thing is amazing!).

Good food, good booze, friends, a comfy chair with a great throw … just plain making do with what you have and loving it.

My wish to all of you is that the path to your joy will be recognized when it shows up, and that you seize the moment to embrace what makes you unique.

In my shop a quote from Ms. Coco Chanel herself reads: “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”

Hang on, here we go … yahoooo!


Comments (2)

  1. I look forward to a new “Spring fling” in the winsome nest shop. Until then, wishing you relaxing days snuggled in a comfy chair wrapped in a soft blanket. Feeling peace and contentment. Enjoy🥰

  2. Thank you for lending grace to the gravity!

    We are certainly all different now, but some things remain unchanged and are now simply magnified and place into perspective. Embracing the good that change has forced us to see!

    Happy New Year and excited for our quarterly drive to the Delta!❤️

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