
Perfect Imperfection

“Have no fear of perfection – you will never reach it.”

~Salvador Dali

I have never found seamless or flawless beautiful. I’m always drawn to the odd, different, uneven, missing, chipped and not of the norm.

Do we seek perfection? I think all of us have a certain line and strive for that. If this past year has taught us anything, it’s just this: relax, find beauty and intrigue in all the messy parts. After all, that is where the magic lies. And chances are, if you’re reading this, you belong to the same club!

I have written before of stories told in the old and worn – an antique treasure showing me snippets of the people who lived and worked so long ago upon its surfaces. The chair someone’s grandfather sat in for 50 years, so worn to his shape – the chair becomes its subject. I recently came upon a piece so special, a misfit to the general population, but to me pure heaven!!! I’ve no idea where said piece will live, but when I imagine it in my shop or my home, it without fail brings a smile.

I believe in the energy of those who came before … perhaps this piece is connected to me without me knowing. Or do I…?

I am working with an architect right now on a project, and it’s amazing to me that through all the math and measurements there are rules followed – some more loosely than others! As we move through this project, I’m constantly learning. But I’ve realized, too, that I have always had a gut feeling about shapes, knowing instantly if they’re right.

When designing a room or a building, or just doing a simple display of your favorite things, remember this: always odd numbers, and height, height, height!

I am always excited to present my collections to you, but this next one is extra special and dear to my heart. And as I’m busy prepping for this spring’s show, I want to express my gratitude for your support and kindness – this has not been squandered on me – you have shown up and supported me so much in this little once-upon-a-dream.


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