
Winged Victory

A few months ago, I had an opportunity to do a buying trip. A dealer I have always liked was downsizing, so I went, I saw, and I bought!

One of the things I was drawn to, much to my surprise, was a garden statue. I love how they can transform a garden, but I always thought they were way too fussy for me, as I’ve been drawn to rust, peeling paint and utter disarray well before it was considered chic.

So here she was in all her glory, and way too fancy for the likes of me, but I couldn’t stop thinking that she represents what I sometimes forget … girl power!

I don’t consider myself a “liberated” woman. I’ve always thought being a woman is a blessing and have always known how to handle my powers for good and not evil. I’m fairly traditional in my beliefs, but my attitude is we can do it all! We can grow humans in our bodies, and if that’s not powerful, I don’t know what is.

The long and short of it is this: There was a reason I felt drawn to this woman with wings and an empire waist. She’s not only beautiful, but made of stone, and brought mere men to their knees when trying to move her.

I recommend finding out before you move a large garden statue, if the floors in the old building you want her to don will handle her girth. I, of course, am speaking to myself, because that’s exactly what I didn’t do! And so she was moved from the shop to the cutting garden. The amazing thing is that’s where she needed to be all along.

Things always happen for a reason, and she – my winged victory – is there in the garden to remind me that We can do anything We set our minds to, even when we’re told it can’t be done. You are more than you realize … let no one tell you, you can’t! I can, I do and I always have!

Without our dreams, convictions, trials, failures and heart’s desires, we have nothing on the horizon; the landscape becomes predictable and flat. The hills and valleys are where the ride is, yahoooo!!


Comments (3)

  1. I have twice had the pleasure of viewing the original Winged Victory at de Louvre. I had goose bumps both times as I stood in awe of her fierce grace. I think she fits you quite well my dear. Good luck and have fun in your adventure.

    1. Thank you so much, for many reasons!
      For reading my little blog, paying me such a delightful complement. This made my day!

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