
Lean In

The stomping of feet, the “I can’t take it!”

The “When is this going to be over?”

Why is this happening to me … to us … to everyone?

Every one of us has a story that will be retold at cocktail parties and workrooms about how and when (I can’t say the name one more time) this “thing” happened. It’s like the movie Groundhog Day – the same thing, same bat time, same bat channel.

I’ve faked it, fought it, ignored, rebelled, whined, cried and mostly felt very, very sorry for myself.

So I have surrendered to all that is happening and decided to make a mental list of what is working.

  • I’m home with my dogs
  • Baking
  • Planting a garden
  • Learning how to make French bread
  • Redecorating every room in my head
  • Trying to learn how to do a German smear on my fireplace
  • Making a bed skirt for my bed
  • Did I say baking?

So I’ve decided for today I lean in to what surrounds us, and know that this will pass.

Soon will return the days of not having my husband home for lunch and eating tacos on my friend’s tailgate while we talk about everything, looking forward to the sunset, a cocktail, my flowers blooming, the birds I have a daily love/hate with every year (and in the end love watching the nest they build, baby birds poking out with triangle beaks waiting for food), the warm sun on my face, not caring that I have more freckles than I can remember having since I was 10. 

Life will resume, and not one of us will take for granted a birthday party, a hug from a good friend, a special dinner out, shopping with girlfriends, lunch dates, a beach vacation, or any trip – even one as uncomplicated as going to the store.

Gratitude is a powerful thing.


Comments (1)

  1. Glad I have found you. When this shelter time is over I hope to be able to drive from Campbell, CA to see you and your shop. Keep writing. Bar b🌺❤️

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