
How I Love Thee

This past year brought its challenges, heartbreak and learning … learning to keep moving and keep pushing through. It also came with moments of fun and joy! My little lady has found her groove in the Grove.

She was a patient teacher, showing me small signs but allowing me to make the big jumps myself — sometimes not the right time or place to plunge, but nevertheless I learned. I’m learning….

This verbiage is for all of you. I still truly can’t believe you come and wait in line and think what I do makes a difference in your lives for a very small snippet in time; for this I am beyond grateful.

I recently received a note from one of my customers that brought tears to my eyes, my husband’s and my daughter’s. She thanked me for providing a small moment of happiness for her family and her ailing mother who passed weeks after we met.

It came to me on a day I needed to hear the tender words she wrote. It has humbled me more than she will ever know. I am honored beyond belief and realize I needed her as much as she needed to tell me. I will never as long as I live forget the words that spilled off that paper, filling my eyes with tears and gratitude, that I played a small part in a lasting happy memory.

I’ve always been intrigued with the vibe in this building. She is special not because of me but because of them, and you! You give it life and motion and energy.

This all started as a shop to help keep my husband from going crazy with the ever-changing decor and a barn stuffed to the rafters. Life is so full of surprises … she turned out to be the thing I never knew I’ve always been missing.

To my daughters, who are truly my best friends and make such a difference in all they do. I’m so very proud of you! My sister, who makes everything fun and adventurous, G who has helped me steer this from the start. Nancy, you are a gem! Blanca and Norma, whom I could not imagine life without, you have become my friends and confidantes. Jessica! — who is the reason within the madness and has selflessly been there since the first sale.
To my husband … thank you for thinking I’m the most amazing, talented woman you know. Your confidence in me and in this little nest never wavers; your sage advice is priceless and has taught me so much.

Thank you, all of you, for a year of surprises. I’m am beyond grateful for all of you!

There is always so much to be grateful for, in every corner of life, if you just look….


Comments (4)

  1. Thank YOU for bringing such joy and beauty to a little shop on the Delta for us all to enjoy! I could spend days marveling at your creativity in every nook and cranny of your store (and, of course, drop a few dollars to bring a bit of it home too :-} ). Merci

  2. Love you mom! I’m extremely proud of you, and amazed at what you have dreamt up. Thank you for including beeje and I in your world.

  3. Love you mom! You’re an incredible, talented woman. I am so happy I’ve been able to be a part of this endeavor. I’m extremely proud of you. You’ve been envisioning this since I was a kid, and it’s more than I could ever imagine.

  4. Your little shop on the Delta is such a treasure and became our little oasis since the pandemic closed our borders and disallowed us from travelling the globe. You are always that warm smile and hello that brightens our day and our drive to your sweet corner of the world has become a much-anticipated and fun day-trip! We quickly mark our calendars once you set a date and happily count the days till each and every event.

    You instantly became our friend and we are so thrilled to see you thrive with so much joy in what you do!

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